Apr 282014
We have had such a wonderful response with reservations for the reunion that we decided to extend the lower fees until May 1. So, if you haven’t already made your reservation, you have a few more days to save money. Until the 1st, it is $30 for Friday night, and $100 for Saturday night. After that, it will be $40 for Friday night, and $125 for Saturday night. There have been some people who sent in the increased amount, and we will refund the difference.
As of this moment, we have 142 reservations for Saturday night and 138 for Friday night!! Fantastic response! I heard today from 2 more who have “checks in the mail.”
Is there any public gatherings that I might get to attend? We can’t afford $100
I just got this message. The reunion was last weekend, so you’re a little late. We had the Friday night gathering at $30 — or $40 if you were late registering. But there was nothing free. Everyone charges. We did have permission to go to Tod’s Point without paying, but that was a casual thing for anyone who wished to go.
I don’t have your name on our list. We are going to do another reunion in 5 years, and I’d like to add you to the list if you’re interested.