Apr 282014

We have had such a wonderful response with reservations for the reunion that we decided to extend the lower fees until May 1.  So, if you haven’t already made your reservation, you have a few more days to save money.  Until the 1st, it is $30 for Friday night, and $100 for Saturday night.  After that, it will be $40 for Friday night, and $125 for Saturday night.  There have been some people who sent in the increased amount, and we will refund the difference.

As of this moment, we have 142 reservations for Saturday night and 138 for Friday night!!  Fantastic response!  I heard today from 2 more who have “checks in the mail.”

 Posted by at 12:30 am
Apr 142014

As the time draws closer to the reunion weekend, we have more news.

Dress for the weekend:  Friday night at Zodie’s will be casual; it’s a golf course, but not a country club.  We want people to be comfortable and able to relax.  Saturday night’s attire took us a while to describe.  Back-country Casual?  No.  Elegant casual?  No.  Dressy Casual?  No.  We finally came upon the phrase — Festive Attire, no tie required.  L’Escale is a nice restaurant, one I would put in the class of a celebration restaurant — birthday, anniversary, special occasion.  But it’s not formal.

The other news is for daytime on Saturday.  Dale has arranged for Tod’s Point to be open to us for the weekend.  We have to utter the magic words — GHS Class of ’64 50th Reunion — at the gate, and we will be permitted entry.  This will hold for the whole weekend.  On Saturday, there will be a bus tour, leaving from the Sheraton in Stamford at about 10, that will go past the schools, and a lunch stop at Tod’s so we can revisit the concession.  You will need to sign up for the bus in advance so we know whether we will have enough people to hire the bus.  The fee would be somewhere in the $25 – 30 range, if we have a full bus.  Send Dale an email if you’re interested:  DLitvany@aol.com.

As of this moment (April 14th), we have received payment from 113 people for Friday and Saturday nights, not always the same people.  Some are coming for one night, some for both.  And I have emails from several people saying they have sent checks.


 Posted by at 3:00 pm