Deceased Class Members
This is a list of classmates we know are deceased. If you know of anyone to add to this list — or, even better, take off the list — please let us know.
- Elizabeth Ackermann
- Beverly Allen McCulloch
- William Anthony
- Earl “Happy” Atkins
- LeRoy Barnes
- Kent Beesinger
- Don Bettor
- Ellen Birdsall
- Thomas Bisanzo
- Charles Bologna
- Patrick Bria
- John Burnes
- Virginia Caird
- Richard Caravetta
- Frank Carbino
- Barbara Chappel
- Dawn Chillington
- William Clarke
- Judith Cunningham Flood
- Nancy Curcurutu Swallow
- Carol Dower
- Lynn Ely Houston
- Robert Fano
- Louis Fiorito
- Thomas Forlenzo
- Cynthia Fox
- Henry Greene, III
- Dominick Guiliano
- Vincent Gullotta
- Barry “Doc” Halliday
- Susan Hammond
- David Harrison, Jr
- Susan Hemstead
- Alvan Henry
- Susan Holloway
- Sedgewick Howard
- Evelyn Hoyt
- Evelyn Jung Franich
- Richard Kiniry
- Toni Laux
- Dale Cravens Litany
- Linda Lorne
- Peggy Lounsbury Richards
- Evelyn MacKay
- Natale Donald Manizza
- Michael McGavren
- Frank McGinty
- Robert Mitchell
- Barbara Niman
- Glenn Nixon
- Pat Nollman Imbres
- Eleanor Ingrid Olsen
- Nancy Padbury Fish
- Robert Panell
- Catherine Pantaleo Quaranta
- John Pianowski
- David Pope
- Peter Quattrone
- Ed Roche
- Robert Rohacik
- David Rohs
- Richard Sabanski
- Geraldine Sarica
- Carol Schreder
- Douglas Skinner
- Timothy Smart
- Dorothy Spezzano
- John Stambaugh
- Carol Stempel Vartuli
- Thomas Stratton
- Jane Sweeney
- Christine Szmal
- Ronald Thompson
- Sharon Tryon Watkins
- Cole Tyrrell
- William Watkins
- Steven Wilmink
- Barbara Wooding Bose
- Frederick Bobbie Zalenski
Karen?… Robert Pannell has visited my profile any number of times… lists his location as W. Va. Also in the coming to reunion… barry halliday. My understanding is he passed away. Let me know if I can help. Skip